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Symphonic Stories: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland




Bass Performance Hall


British composer Joby Talbot has composed music for the stage and screen alike, with films like Sing, Sing 2, and Wonka with Timothée Chalamet under his belt. In September, a troupe of ballet dancers joins the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra to bring Talbot’s celebrated musical interpretation of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland to life in Bass Performance Hall. The orchestra opens the concert with Mozart’s famous “Prague” Symphony, so named for the exceptional wind players of Bohemia for whom Mozart penned the piece.

BACHTALES WITH BUDDY | 1 Hour Before Concert

Before each symphonic concert, FWSO Principal Keyboard Buddy Bray offers a pre-concert lecture to dive deeper into the works, their history, and other fun concert-related facts. Bachtales with Buddy is free for all ticket holders.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Suite Composed by Joby Talbot
Presented under license by G. Schirmer, Inc. o/b/o Chester Music Ltd., copyright owners.


MOZART: Symphony No. 38, "Prague"
TALBOT: Suite from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Featured Artists

Robert Spano, conductor

Bruce Wood Dance

Joy Bollinger, choreographer

Event Information

Bass Performance Hall

Bass Performance Hall


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