Wild West Rodeo
Fri, Jan 16, 2026, 7:30 PM
On Sale Soon -
Sat, Jan 17, 2026, 7:30 PM
On Sale Soon
Bass Performance Hall
They say Fort Worth is “Where the West Begins." Don’t miss Cowtown’s own orchestra saddling up and riding West with famous film hits like John Williams’ thrilling Overture to The Cowboys, Elmer Bernstein’s The Magnificent Seven, Ennio Morricone’s The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, and much more. Rounding out the program are a range of familiar classical cowboy tunes like Copland’s “Hoe Down” from Rodeo, Grofé’s “On the Trail” from the Grand Canyon Suite, and Rossini’s William Tell Overture, with stunning images of Western art from the Sid Richardson Museum projected during the concert to bring the music to life.
Artwork compliments of the Sid Richardson Museum.
Frederic Remington, Buffalo Runners—Big Horn Basin, 1909, Oil on canvas
Featured Artists
Michelle Di Russo, conductor