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Ke Mai


Ke Mai

Ke Mai (a.k.a. MaiKe) is originally from China and began violin study at age four under his father’s influence. 

Before he joined the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra in 2018, he was violinist of Dallas Opera Orchestra and the second violin principal of Des Moines Metro Opera.
MaiKe studied the art of violin playing with former Concertmaster of the Dallas Symphony, Emanuel Borok and received the Performance Diploma from SMU, Meadows School of Art in 2014.

After Maike acquired Masters and Bachelor degrees in Violin performance in the National Music Academy of Ukraine in 2007he won the position of the first violin of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine. In 2011, after a global online audition, MaiKe was selected as Principal Second Violinist for the 2011 YouTube Symphony Orchestra in Sydney, Australia, 

As an active chamber music musician, Maike is the founding member of Cezanne Quartet, which was awarded the Peak chamber music fellowship in Meadows school in SMU in 2014 and won the second prize in the Coltman chamber music competition in Austin in 2015.

Maike plays a rare fine violin made by Carl Becker in 1919.